Skateboarding is fun … no doubt about it. Taking the steps to incorporate a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity in order to build a concrete flowpark-style skatepark … less fun. We speak from experience.
Gladly, we are happy to announce that the GWL Skatepark Corp. is now officially a non-profit corporation (pending approval), so if you know a friend who’s dad has a cousin that works at a giant corporation, and that friend’s dad’s cousin may have a soft-spot for skateboarding, BMX, etc., send them to us. Tell them about Dale Hirrel. We will happily accept their donation.
Your volunteer board of directors has been working feverishly to make this vision a reality. Now that all the forms are signed and submitted with NYS and IRS, and the bank account has been established with our friends at the local Chase Bank in Greenwood Lake, NY (thanks Patricia, Jessica, Claudia & Cheryl!), we can hit the ground running with reaching out for volunteers, donations & corporate sponsors. A special thank you goes to Natalia Fisher of Total Account Ability LLC for guiding us through that process.
We invite all of your input and fundraising ideas. We have basketball tournaments, skate demos, concerts, GoFundMe’s, etc. in the works already and we want to hear your ideas.
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