Natalia Fisher is an accountant residing in Greenwood Lake, New York State. She is an Enrolled Agent and practices tax, specializing in areas of small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals.
Natalia started her career in 1996 after graduating from Riga Technical University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. She worked for a few years in Latvia before immigrating to the United States of America in 1999. In 2000, Natalia found her first accounting job with Joseph DelPrete CPA, who had a private accounting practice in downtown Brooklyn. After a few years working with Mr. De Prete, Natalia looked for an expansion of her career and found employment at Citrin Cooperman & Co LLP. Having worked at Citrin for nearly ten years, Natalia decided that she wanted to pursue independence and established her own company, Total Account Ability LLC, in August of 2014. She has been operating under the name of her business ever since, leading a successful boutique accounting and tax firm in the heart of beautiful Greenwood Lake.
Natalia is married to Brian Fisher, and together they have three children. When not working, she dedicates her time to family and pursues her passion for gardening, travel, and music.
In her relationship with GWL Skatepark Corporation, Natalia Fisher played a pivotal role in getting the organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service and the NY Attorney General. Although she has not always held the title of Treasurer, Natalia has maintained books for the organization from day one and filed all required and necessary annual returns with the Government. Natalia also volunteers her time at some organizational functions and fundraisers and provides direct monetary support.